the benefits of principled neg

貢獻者:海飏625 類別:英文 時間:2022-11-01 15:45:25 收藏數:12 評分:0
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you don’t have to choose either aggressive or soft bargaining along with their attendant problems.
in contrast to the traditional adversarial approach, principled negotiation (which can also be
called negotiating on the merits) is a much better way to arrive at wise agreements in an
efficient way. principled negotiation can be used in almost any circumstances and it’s
straightforward: the two sides work toward agreed-upon mutual interests rather than having
hidden agendas.
there are four components to principled negotiation:
1.people: separate personalities and emotions from the issue being negotiated.
2.interests: focus on the interests of each side — the reasons underlying their positions
rather than on positions.
3.options: come up with multiple options based on mutual interests.
4.criteria: base the agreement on an objective (fair and independent) standard.
1.separate emotions from issues
people get emotional, they have trouble communicating clearly, and their perceptions vary. how they
feel gets mixed with what they think about the merits (facts) of an issue. they hold stubbornly to
positions due to ego. when the other side makes concessions, it can reward this behavior.
before negotiators can make headway on addressing the issues, they need to address people’s mindset
and behavior. both sides must see themselves as working together alongside each other, attacking a
problem rather than each other. this is the first step of principled negotiation. about interests instead of positions
you can overcome the flaws of positional bargaining when you focus on the underlying interests (what
you both really want) that led to taking the positions. because the negotiating positions that are
taken often obscure these interests, compromising doesn’t generate an agreement that addresses the
reasons people take the positions that they do. figuring out what both sides really want is the
second step of principled negotiation.
3.generate options serving mutual interests
when negotiating under pressure, it’s hard to come up with great solutions serving both sides. it’s
better for each side to set up a separate time to brainstorm creative solutions that address each
side’s interests while accommodating differences. another approach is for both sides to brainstorm
together. finding mutual interests is the third step of principled negotiation.
4.use objective criteria
you can avoid arbitrary agreements by demanding that the results meet objective standards
independent of either side — for instance, market values, legal standards, average salaries,
expert opinions or data, or customary practices. instead of arguing about what either side is
willing to accept, agree to objective standards that will serve as the rationale for the specifics
in the agreement. that way, neither party is imposing their say-so for what’s fair on the other.
this is the fourth step of principled negotiation.
stages of principled negotiation
principled negotiation has three broad stages, and you deal with the four elements (people,
interests, options, criteria) in each stage: analysis, planning, and discussion.
analysis: in this stage, assess the situation. gather, organize, and weigh information. anticipate
personality or emotional issues that might influence the process — for instance, feelings, biases,
and communication styles or problems (the people element). identify and list your interests and
what you think the other side’s interests are (the interests element). identify any options
already on the table and any standards already suggested as a rationale.
planning: in this stage, go through the four elements again. decide what you’ll do about each
people problem, what interests are your top priorities, and what your objectives are, as well as
several options and potential criteria.
discussion: in this stage, look toward agreement. communicate with each other about potential human
issues (for instance frustrations and perceptions on each side), identify common and differing
interests, generate some mutually beneficial options, and agree on objective standards.
to sum up, in contrast to adversarial bargaining, practicing principled negotiation allows you to
treat people with empathy, work toward a wise agreement that’s fair for both parties, negotiate
efficiently without deliberate delays, and end the process on a positive note that bodes well for
your future relationship.

