
貢獻者:coot 類別:英文 時間:2022-06-27 11:46:17 收藏數:9 評分:0
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the of and to a in that is it was for s on be with I he as by you at are this not
have had his from but they which or an were her she we there been their one has
will n't can all would do if more when who what so about up its some into them could
no him said time only two out other then my may like over also new these your any
me now did people first very after should just than most where made between back
way our many years work much know being those down how before see through such make
get because us three year own good think still well must right even go both too
last take used er government use however off under same Mr does re world here man
day might got say going life come against another while need again each old never
part long thought little since number put house end different found home place within
local children system want great without set during left small few came something
case around look always social although group went percent party company second
given give find four important state next information until point women high later
public often why every national men things far fact took really further help head
seen quite British form business school possible away area less London taken general
water large family five early whether hand told best money face already development
looked having power young better night days country change asked side called yet
says become almost political times enough perhaps mean support done service together
whole himself John members nothing control market able council room major eyes though
thing act open court problem week others towards available working war report law
interest held following problems research making round full felt either yes policy
level question six education labour half known show police once mind body main clear
Britain period services voice person above tell saw name minister care keep anything
office using feel past ever road health knew itself child mother months across several
am effect areas book society words upon car themselves therefore likely looking
economic turned million probably began process black kind view position white community
seemed England among doing programme particular provide father today centre result
south city English study future door present became behind international means staff
evidence action line certain gave real woman sense including start top hard experience
order management difficult yeah read special big age let particularly sure wanted
idea west land north love job taking light run thus seems range actually close moment
century third European training free cost church meeting pay believe outside death
industry needs rather trade groups involved human matter play lot god individual
brought turn history late central changes Mrs whose language united move sometimes
try committee rate based course similar cases section building data role necessary
word authority common food shall subject along Europe nature single air short leave
sort else states ago heard lost street patients usually systems reason hands companies
price hours member department table value practice class simply union team UK personal
morning call indeed east total ask certainly TRUE type required terms sir private
someone countries bank increase former French town decision expected getting herself
coming president low financial seem issue wife trying date friend return earlier
minutes American ten stage hope paper higher approach especially concerned account
live needed recent foreign figure provided cut university king started near gone
makes remember offer conditions quality parents tax ground strong force greater
results production situation various award everything march include lord amount
club living soon hundred rest shown according_to secretary clearly final saying
art led costs schools field organization deal yesterday talk described ways knowledge
followed basis plan students understand music record workers chapter decided June
royal paid planning added project seven April wrong series agreed current friends
despite forward easy structure weeks studies month below eight lead comes poor board
mm bring allowed works tried points questions bed moved natural simple attention
answer sound hospital security anyone met oh material girl game front agreement
red David considered capital analysis carried heart computer test news instead movement
share meet feet written population kept per hair success rights design green story
St model inside theory manager legal increased received environment running relationship
modern authorities performance evening parties produced growth sent died whom cause
letter sea finally stop property built complete standard dark bad press developed
example books fire bill behaviour stood happened size son list included continued
alone hold energy significant visit feeling treatment previous space term throughout
lower chance levels issues recently established middle prime key July reported reached
thinking worked firm France giving risk forces choice technology hear everyone contract
Soviet quickly serious fine director beginning wide activity pressure produce activities
normal direct forms consider details nor income continue loss military parts myself
specific generally Scotland defence beyond scheme original attempt appropriate boy
association relations allow rates wish shows writing hon. claim dead teachers army
wall hotel worth leading industrial suddenly plans potential hall sun Dr spent reports
numbers takes basic twenty whatever male figures stay product Peter effects professional
appeal access goes appear village suggested ideas changed reasons difference rules
summer demand chief colour sat cover published chairman successful independent miss
German opened unit cup benefit influence mark cold October employment northern talking
arms couple aware resources fall floor won interests pounds garden products husband
circumstances style application happy county limited played science popular reading
nine investment concern events commission buy ensure offered season rise advice
follows bit September meant event announced nearly prepared immediately passed fish
note extent appeared economy miles America effective stand Germany showed opportunity
please designed deep useful contact goods George park degree January returned page
picture raised lack sales charge rose gives expect conference doctor Paul lives
lines oil write importance hour response college trust majority software blood fell
statement existing yourself easily prices traditional considerable western film
title m. ones standards region playing accept species review operation window York
lay election Ireland unless physical married supply parliament understanding complex
average houses win purpose standing looks carry blue wrote television associated
obviously station site primary glass places December responsible leaving river exactly
medical caused rule James surface opposition responsibility task pattern earth official
growing skills separate method ability housing source follow closed disease November
methods moving shop learning highly walk Wales remain competition daughter failed
types eye remained interesting remains waiting attack ready speaker provision base
accepted Charles features jobs campaign claims fully factors leader heavy variety
no-one essential directly related policies matters notice Richard equipment mouth
eventually created context status teaching suggest match stopped hit officer lady
develop arm direction older animals extra fear break alternative exercise sector
balance peace culture girls discussion exchange slightly piece speak placed function
step windows thousand walked suppose introduced compared shares officers character
obvious sale proposed arrived division civil machine provides weight patient teacher
damage principle doubt interested nuclear Michael argument post version condition
killed Scottish hardly safety aid families drive recognized organizations presence
increasing individuals apply completely otherwise relevant create positive trees
courses beautiful happen sold ran February library radio environmental protection
baby trouble female William progress media latter sex hot caught born believed avoid
cells relatively truth achieved duty differences brown add collection claimed meaning
transport covered reduced straight August pupils Africa learn reach sign holding
cash sorry studio annual thank senior fair reference agree stone anyway presented
Sunday plant okay lived Oxford subjects flat forced text overall sitting commercial
failure district fit executive survey larger determined brother marriage league
appears watch maybe neither intended players practical explain except realized normally
values applied speech benefits box decisions career records regional budget facilities
becomes memory merely effort queen slowly telephone letters expression shot nice
student Robert huge opinion train firms none scale politics additional affairs regular
stock knows bought impact grant finished drawn image speed receive begin gold views


